
At Equine Planet we treat many different dermatological conditions. The most prevalent cases in equines are caused by allergies, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. In some rare cases the animal may suffer from an immune-mediated disease. There may also be concomitant infections present where, for instance, an allergy exists next to a secondary bacterial infection.

In the majority of cases we can diagnose a skin disease through in-depth clinical examination on the day of our visit. However, if necessary, we may have to take samples of hair or skin for laboratory testing, or conduct a biopsy of the affected area for a histopathological examination.

We have achieved high success rates in the treatment of skin allergies, including the extremely persistent sweet-itch. Furthermore, our team is frequently called by clients and other practitioners to diagnose and effectively treat Summer wounds.

The treatment options available to our clients include:

  • allopathic medicine
  • generative medicine (with solid and long lasting results)
  • herbal supplements

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